Michele Pounders: How to Prepare for a Catering Job

Michele Pounders is a successful caterer who provides unique, delicious and great customer services throughout the USA. Michele Pounders’s work allows him to stand out of the crowd.

Are you want to become like Michele Pounders? Then must read this post here he summarized some points that will help you in starting your career in catering.

Previous Post: https://michelepounders.wordpress.com/2018/03/12/michele-pounders-things-that-make-up-a-good-caterer

Decide Where You want to Work

Catering is of many types firstly you have to decide what kind of catering you want to do. Are you want to work in a restaurant or want to start your own catering business. Firstly decide and then take your next step.

Be Self Adaptive

If you decide that you want to make it as your career then be self-adaptive and ready to handle pressure and sudden issues. And if you are going to start your own business then you need to know how you will handle your staff, clients.

Catering is More than Just Preparing Food

Catering is not about food it also includes event management. If you want to become a successful catering professional then you also need to learn how to manage events, decoration, theme etc.

Mr. Michele Pounders says some countries and states require caterers to have the license, so according to your state fulfill all the required license needs.

Michele Pounders: Things That Make Up a Good Caterer

Michele Pounders is a professional caterer who has many qualities which are the natural part of his personalities like multitask, ability to manage stress, leadership skills, negotiable skills and mechanical skills. Michele Pounders says like other profession catering profession also needs hard work. Here in this post, he shares the points that make a good caterer:


  • A good caterer also needs to know how to cook because of no maters how beautifully the decoration don but people always excited about food.
  • A professional caterer also needs to aware of the most up to date food safety laws.
  • A good customer service is a key to catering business success. Because in this industry customer satisfaction is very important and your customer will only be happy when you fulfill all their needs.
  • Flexibility and creativity are also necessary to become a successful caterer.

Above all the most important points shared by Michele Pounders that are necessary to become a good caterer.